Great weather made crossing to the Isle of Muck a dream, paddling past rafts of Manx Shearwaters that would sometimes take off & fly at great speed, alarmingly close to us, skimming the sea. Last year we saw the burrows on the Rum mountains, where they nest. Having migrated from South America, they take turns parenting for alternate weeks, meanwhile nipping down to the Bay of Biscay to feed. When the young have grown enough, they're abandoned and find their own way to South America!
Muck is a welcoming small Island that we ambled about today, marvelling at its colourful variety and views of Islands, all around, including the Outer Hebrides, right down South to Mingulay. We get tantalising glimpses of small island community life, which appears idyllic today. People are relaxed & friendly.
The Port Mor House Hotel is providing us a luxury break, which is especially welcome because Anne has strained her back, Kayak lifting - it's now getting better.
When we and the weather are good, we hope to contine to Eigg, where a parcel of more maps & some useful bits should await us.
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