Friday 14 July 2023

Sweden: Santa Anna archipelego

 We finished our Scandanavian trip with 4 days kayaking in the Santa Anna Archipelego, about 1hr south of Stockholm. We hired everything apart from our personal sleeping kit from the excellent company Do the North.  They even did the food shopping for us before we arrived, then we set off to explore.

Having a free standing tent was important, on these rocky little islands!

Having been used to the big tides along the Scottish coast, it was a pleasant change to be kayaking in the Baltic, with negligeable tides, and only mildly brackish water. 

Then when we finished, Do the North collected us and delivered us to Norkopping, with time to go and look at the Bronze age Himmelstralund rock carvings of ships....

 before we got the sleeper home. 


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